
I am Grateful/Thankful For 2015….

  1. I am thankful for Family- it’s an obvious place to start for most of us in any “I’m thankful for”exercise. Whether they’re coming to us or we’re going to them, family. Their support and legacy of love, Good or bad, your family life helped inform what you value most in relationships and for being your closest kin in the world. The new and the old. The ones that have been around for ages in the family too the ones that are becoming family by marriage.
  2. I am thankful for astronomy- Moon and Stars for brightening up our night sky. The Sun bringing in light and beauty to this world. The earth for creating the environment for life to begin. Sunset – for a beautiful sight to end the day. Sunrise – for a beautiful sight to start the morning.
  3. I am thankful for Second Chances- If you’ve ever forgiven or been forgiven, you know there’s nothing more encouraging, freeing and beautiful than second chances. It’s never too late to reconcile, reroute or redeem. If you’ve ever seen true love follow a horrific breakup, you know exactly how second chances can never be overrated.
  4. I am thankful for look at- I don’t know how to put it, really, but I’m glad there was a time when I turned a few heads or at least inspired a few looks now and then.
  5. I am thankful for Friends- if I named them all individually, from wonderful acquaintances to true friends, I do know there are a lot of good people, near and far, who I can count on, who care about me, and who want only the best for me. I truly value my friends and will never have “enough” or too many. Cherish the friends who cheer you on — and who commiserate with you all year round, whether you’re single, dating, or on good terms with your mom or not for being my companions in life. Along with Friends I’ve yet to make I look forward to meeting them! Hmm, I wonder who they’ll be.
  6. I am thankful for Art- It doesn’t matter if I personally like a piece of art or not. I’m just thankful that people create it. And when I do like it, it sure is nice to look at. Actually, art is worth looking at even if I don’t like it.
  7. I am thankful for The five Senses- letting you see the colors of life; letting you hear trickle of rain, the voices of your loved ones, and the harmonious chords of music; letting you feel the texture of your clothes, the breeze of the wind, the hands of your loved ones; letting you smell scented candles, perfumes, and beautiful flowers in your garden; and letting you savor the sweetness of fruits, the saltiness of seawater, the sourness of pickles, the bitterness of bitter gourd, and the spiciness of chili.
  8. I am thankful for Health- I am in better shape but I am thankful for modern medicine, doctors. Be thankful for this beautiful thing called life, whatever its quality. For enabling you to do what you want to do and for what you’re about to do in the future.
  9. I am thankful for Education- for providing a environment conducive to learning and growing along with professors of their dedication and for passing down knowledge to me.
  10. I’m thankful for the little things in life- I love noticing stuff like that! And the so-called “little things” people do for one another–the small gestures. Memories it’s fun to reminisce. It’s also fun to chat about “old times” with others who were there, too.
  11. I am thankful for Freedom and Opportunity- Being an American: Taking nothing away from any other country, I’m just being thankful for my own. It may not be perfect–what place is?–but I love it nonetheless and to live in a country packed with the freedoms and opportunities so many dream of and giving me the outlet to express myself. And all those who’ve ever served our country; It’s an admiral and brave thing to do. Our men and women in uniform, past and present, have, do and will give so much for us all. So do their families.
  12. I am thankful for hiking trails: If I see one on a map or hear about one, I want to hike it. Two miles.
  13. I am thankful for believing in my business plan- I’m thankful for their support. My LegalShield & Mary Kay family who is there for you. Having friend and get togethers time too. In addition, I can pursue things of my own choosing and have much more time to enjoy what I love doing.
  14. I am thankful for Doctors- That they have medical knowledge and they are helping me with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Endometriosis.
  15. I am thankful for Inspiration- the muses and the daydreams. The things that bring you to a state of childlike wonder are worth revisiting. In your thankfulness, recommit to pursuing the things that excite you.
  16. I’m thankful for Knowing when to quit: I like knowing that I’m able to walk away from things that don’t make me happy or aren’t satisfying. Sometimes it takes a while to come to terms with “quitting,” but I’m glad I’ve had the guts to do it when it has really mattered.
  17. I’m thankful for having a good memory- I’m quite good at keeping track of things and remembering certain kinds of details. Or at least I’m good at writing things down so I don’t forget.
  18. I’m thankful for emotions-Tears to express my deepest emotions; Disappointment to know the things that matter most to me; Fears to know my opportunities for growth; Pain to become a stronger person; Sadness to appreciate the spectrum of human emotions; Happiness to soak in the beauty of life.
  19. I’m thankful for Mother nature- for covering our world in beauty. I love knowing the world around me is getting watered. Rainy days are also a great excuse to curl up with a blanket and a good book. Rain for making it comfy to sleep in on weekends. Rainbows for a beautiful sight to look forward to after rain.
  20. I’m thankful for accomplishing goals: To one degree or another, I tend to follow through on things. I thrive on having goals to strive for and am thankful about the fact I’ve been able to achieve some of them. I like that I have “stick-to-itiveness.”
  21. I’m thankful for Life – giving me the chance to experience all that I am experiencing, and will be experiencing in time to come along with Life’s challenges for helping me grow and become who I am and for helping me to improve and become better person. The hard times because they’ve made me stronger and wiser, and the good times even better.
  22. I’m thankful for Feelings- of Love for letting me feel what it means to truly be alive. The Laughter serenading the joy in life my life. The Heartbreaks helping me mature and become a better person.
  23. I’m thankful for Entertainers- I’ve been to so many shows–concerts, plays, Broadway and off-Broadway shows, comedy shows, circuses, symphonies, movies. I even enjoy some television shows now and again. I appreciate the people who make me sing, dance, laugh, and sometimes even cry.
  24. I’m thankful for Technology- for making impossible things possible. Mobile phones making it easy to stay in touch with others. Computers making our lives more effective and efficient. Internet connecting you and others despite the physical space between you.
  25. I’m thankful for being able to laugh when the going gets tough- One thing I found out about me on the Appalachian Trail is that I can find the funnies even when I’m soaked and cold and my ankles are rubbed raw. I like that I can often smile my way through difficulties and find the bright side.
  26. I’m thankful for the seasons- I love them all. Spring, summer, fall, winter in California. There are so many wonderful, special things about each, no matter where I live or spend the time.
  27. I’m thankful for Books- for adding wisdom into my life.
  28. I’m thankful for the knowledge- for giving me more knowledge and I keep learning everyday.
  29. I’m thankful for Music for lifting my spirits when I am down and for filling my life with more love.
  30. I’m thankful for myself- For being me are and touching the world with my presence.

Source: Click here for last years from livejournal

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